Logo concept for a coffee company that features coffee from all over the world.
Instagram post concepts incorporating logo and the company tagline "A new world at your fingertips"
Background photos created via NightCafe
Coffee bean photo via Freepik.com

Ad concept and matching brochure for a travel agency.

Instagram post, flyer, and matching infographic concepts for National Park Week

Concert poster concepts

Vintage Inspired concert poster concepts

Mailer ad concept for auto care business.

Digital ad concept for auto repair business.

Digital ad concept for urgent care center.

Presentation deck concept for promotion of renewable energy.
(Click the right arrow to advance slides)

Client request for custom graphic for use on social media sites and other marketing material.
Requested graphic to resemble the Rod of Asclepius but the staff is a #10 scalpel and the snake is a vining rose with a few red flowers in varying stages of blooming.

Stylized graphics

Stylized t-shirt graphics

Stylized political graphics.
Caricatures created via NightCafe

Infographics sized for an Instagram post

Infographics sized for an Instagram post

Elongated infographic concept for Earth Day

Infographics sized for an Instagram post
Adherence to brand style guides

Personal logo

Client requests for business cards of varying industries.

Pizza Bread & refreshment Logo
Logo for a food truck serving French bread style pizza and other eats.
Client requested a round logo with the incorporation of a banner and a large ampersand
symbol. Examples are presented using the truck’s purple coloring as well as a neutral white background.

Logo for the Graphic Communications department of Cumberland Perry AVTS.
Dark and light versions needed. To be used on printed material and clothing.

The Head Stash Deliverables
Retail environment selling smoking accessories requested:
Business card layout
Signage for an A frame billboard
Cartoon character to possibly be used in advertisements
Register operation manual layout
Basic setup of online store

Analytics Computer Information Systems Brochure
Updated concept design

Analytics Computer Information Systems Brochure
CIS company requesting Tri-fold brochure presenting their provided services and overview of related information.

Industrial Site Depiction
Client that is developing an industrial infrastructure site in Utah requested llustrations/renderings to be used both online and in print.
Requested a pixelated/ stylized

Blog Tree with Links (Using Image Mapping Techniques)
Client requested a colorful tree with fruit for a backdrop to his blog titles and links. File was set up with image mapping so the links would correctly line up with the titles when used on client’s website and in email campaigns.

Concepts for signage for display at trade shows, social media advertisments, etc. Can be used by themselves or as building blocks to a larger advertisment.

Inspirational social media posts.

Client request for re-creation of graphics from a t-shirt their father had made (bottom photo).
Client also approved of the wear/grunge to the texture for a more "vintage" look.
Middle photo shows finished printed product of re-created shirts.

Client request for t-shirt design based on record album artwork of Dr. Dre.
Bottom photo shows the album's artwork.

Client with retail environment selling smoking accessories requested a t-shirt design in the likeness of the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Wedding invite for a music themed wedding. Designed to look like a concert ticket where the RSVP is ripped off and returned, similar to an actual ticket redemption.

Template for a personalized Christmas or holiday card.
People created via NightCafe

Basic style guide layouts.